Voices + Icons / The Past

Ode to the Naples Pier

A poetric tribute to Naples' historic landmark, which is being rebuilt after Hurricane Ian.

BY July 1, 2023
Illustration of Naples Pier
(Illustration of Naples Pier by Joe McKendry)

Imagine that day, arriving by steam

To a pier in paradise still untapped

The people’s pier, the icon, launched a dream

The heart of Collier it placed on the map


Williams and Haldeman sent up a flare

Their Naples Hotel quickly met the call

The fishing was fine, the pier’s pull so fair

Its pylons are roots which still keep us all


The hotel long gone, visitors still flock

Sunsets, fireworks and dolphins give kicks

But hurricanes wreak havoc on our big dock

Both Donna and Ian turned it to sticks


The generous Norris clan rebuilt it twice

Then decreed it be free, ’cuz Naples is nice 

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