Ahead of the Curve

Where to Find a New Hobby in Southwest Florida

Ever try throwing a pot or building a birdhouse? Here's where you can pick up on a new skill.

Home of the Month: Two Faces of Cool on Sanibel

British colonial in the front exterior and fully modern in the back, this island home manages a blend with striking results.
Ahead of the Curve

The Pillow That Can Stop Your Snoring And Other Tech Marvels

Here is the latest technology that can make our daily lives oh-so-much easier and comforting.

Home of the Month: Cool and Coastal in Naples

This Coquina Sands home takes elements of coastal and traditional design to create a cool look and comfortable vibe.

Home of the Month: Getting Creative in Quail Creek Country Club

How the owners transformed “a dump” into a stunning home in Naples.
Ahead of the Curve

Where to Find Fellow Book Lovers in Southwest Florida

A sampling of book clubs in the area and the refreshments that go with them

Home of the Month: Leonardo da Vinci Would Love This House

This Cape Coral reconstruction goes modern but features interpretations of the great artist’s masterworks.